2/26 Event Recap: Boosting Effectiveness Amid Economic Woes 经济困境下的人事合一
On Wednesday, February 26th, Gemini Personnel successfully held the 16th HR Executive Roundtable. The event was organized in collaboration with AllBright Law Firm at their Lujiazui office executive meeting room located in Shanghai’s and China’s tallest building, 632-meter Shanghai Tower. About 30 HR executives and service providers gathered to join the presentation on the topic “Improving organizational effectiveness when facing economic distress”, delivered by Jenny Zha.
2月26日星期三,晶雅人事成功举办了第16届人力资源高管圆桌会议。此次活动与锦天城律师事务所合作,在上海中心大厦的陆家嘴办公室行政会议室举行。约30位人力资源高管和服务提供商聚集在此,参加了由Jenny Zha主讲的 “经济困境下提升组织效能” 主题演讲。
Jenny Zha 是一位组织效能优化专家,拥有国际绩效改进协会(ISPI)认证的绩效改进专业人士资质,并多次担任中国绩效改进大赛的评委,同时也是一位经验丰富的ICF认证导师教练和ACC认证教练。她的专长在于将企业战略转化为业务需求,并将这些需求整合到业务流程中。她专注于敏捷设计和实施以提升组织效能为核心的综合解决方案。
Jenny Zha is an Organizational Effectiveness Optimization Expert, as a certified performance improvement professional by the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) and a judge in multiple editions of China's Performance Improvement Competitions as well as an experienced ICF-certified Mentor Coach & ACC. Her expertise lies in translating corporate strategies into business needs and integrating those needs into business processes. She specializes in agile design and implementation of comprehensive solutions that are centered on improving organizational effectiveness.
Focusing on the four core components of organizational effectiveness—"Added Value, Efficiency, Capability, and Quality"— Jenny shared with the audience the four key elements of HR solutions aimed at enhancing organizational effectiveness from multiple perspectives. These elements include business-oriented diagnosis, comprehensive solution design, agile implementation plans, and precise result evaluation. She illustrated each element with successful cases from different industries and departments, sharing her practical experiences and methodologies. Through this multidimensional approach, she demonstrated tangible results in organizational talent development and effectiveness improvement across various organizations and business units, affirming the methodology of "integrating people and affairs" and its real benefits to organizations.
聚焦于组织效能的四个核心要素—— “效益、效率、能力、质量”,Jenny从多个角度分享了旨在提升组织效能的四大人力资源解决方案要素。这些要素包括以业务为导向的诊断、全面的解决方案设计、敏捷的实施计划以及精准的结果评估。她通过不同行业和部门的成功案例来阐释每个要素,分享了她的实践经验与方法论。通过这种多维度的方法,她展示了在各类组织和业务单元中实现组织人才发展和效能提升的具体成果,肯定了 “人事合一” 方法论及其对组织的实际益处。
Particularly noteworthy were the clear, quantifiable, and measurable outcome analyses presented in every case, which allowed all attendees could see clearly that applying such approaches and methodologies in the field of organizational development can indeed achieve concrete improvements in organizational effectiveness. This inspired new thinking and insights into how to build effective organizational talent strategies. It also reinforced the belief among participants about the value HR can contribute to organizations in today's economic environment. By offering a fresh perspective, Jenny helped everyone break free from conventional mindsets, enabling them to rethink and analyze organizational challenges holistically from the standpoint of business operation managers. Ultimately, this empowers HR professionals to deliver comprehensive and actionable integrated solutions, transcending traditional limitations in the HR domain and truly aligning with business objectives.
Following the presentation, the executives in the human resources industry had a roundtable experience-sharing session. They discussed their organizations and personal decisions to navigate economic challenges and measures to improve employee efficiency. One key point discussed was focusing on knowing, anticipating and adapting to client’s needs. Also, the need to review and change directions when necessary. During the challenging economic times we need to especially care about our employee’s emotions.
We are grateful to all the participants for attending this event, whose mission is to create a knowledge-sharing HR Industry executive community. We are also glad for the cooperation opportunity and support from AllBright Law Firm and for being able to welcome guests in their exclusive corporate environment.
We plan to hold the next HR Executive Roundtable at the end of March. This will be the first version that we will do in an online Webinar format in order to give HR Executives located outside of Shanghai area to also participate. Interested parties and HR Executives are welcome to inquire about more details and register with Gemini Personnel staff for future events.
我们计划在3月底举办下一届人力资源高管圆桌会议。这将是首次以在线网络研讨会的形式举办,以便让上海以外地区的人力资源高管也能参与。感兴趣的各方和人力资源高管欢迎向晶雅人事 工作人员咨询更多细节,并报名参加未来的活动。