3/27 Become a Global HR Leader 线上讲座:成就国际顶尖HR主管之路

Next Thursday, March 27th we will host the 17th Online edition of the HR Executive Roundtable.

Special Speaker: Trevor Smith (40-year business career, accredited by both ICF and EMCC with 3.800 coaching hours,Founder & Executive Coach of The Orchard Partnership)

Topic: How to Become a World Class International HR Executive?

The event is free. Please reserve a seat for your company's HR Executive.



特别主讲人: Trevor Smith(40年的商业生涯,获得ICF和EMCC认证,拥有3800个辅导小时,Orchard Partnership 创始人兼执行教练)

主题:  如何成为国际领先的人力资源主管?


Register below:

Tel: 021- 64282460

Email: Enquiries@jmgemini.com
