Enhancing your brand through Gemini’s Outplacement Service

Layoffs are inevitable. Even during economic boom, companies may retire product lines, relocate business units or rebalance capabilities leading to reductions in workforce.
In Hong Kong and across Asia today, more and more companies are using outplacement services in order to both take care of their employees and protect their brand in such situations.
Making staff redundant is a difficult process for all involved. Providing career transition services to employees is a proven method of making a positive difference to impacted employees. It helps soften the blow, gets them into new employment quicker and improves the reputation of your company as an employer that cares about its people.
If you wish to learn more about our outplacement services at Gemini, please don’t hesitate to reach out on +852 3552 9100 or email us at consulting@gemini.com.hk.