11/21 Event: How to optimize mental health at work 如何优化工作场所的心理健康

Next Thursday, November 21st we will host the 15th edition of the HR Executive Roundtable.
Special Speaker: Bill Chan(Founder of Transtech Consulting,Co-author of the book “Five Elements of Fulfilling Life”)
Topic: How to optimize mental health at work
Address: 19th Floor, Huixin International Building, 333 Yishan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Seats are limited. Event is free. Please reserve a seat for your company's HR Executive.
特别主讲人: Bill Chan(Transtech 咨询公司创始人,《实现人生的五个要素》联合作者)
主题: 如何优化工作场所的心理健康
座位有限, 请为贵公司的人力资源高管报名。
Register below:
Tel: 021- 64282460
Email: Enquiries@jmgemini.com