8/22 Event Recap: Conflict management that works 有效的冲突管理
On Thursday, August 22nd, Gemini Personnel successfully held the 12th HR Executive Roundtable. The event was organized in collaboration with AllBright Law Firm at their Lujiazui office executive meeting room located in China’s tallest building, 632 meter Shanghai Tower. Over 30 HR executives and service providers gathered to join the presentation on the topic
“Conflict Management that Works”, delivered by Jeff Hasenfratz.
大约30名人力资源高管和服务商聚集在一起,参加了由Jeff Hasenfratz发表的题为“有效的冲突管理”的演讲。

Jeff Hasenfratz is the Founder and CEO of Mindsight Executive Development Services, a Shanghai-based consulting firm offering executive team coaching, dialogue facilitation, and mediation services.
Jeff Hasenfratz 是美聪企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司的创始人兼首席执行官,这是一家位于上海的咨询公司,提供高管团队培训、对话促进和调解服务。
During the presentation phase, Jeff shared his thoughts on how we humans can more effectively think and act, in the moment, to reduce wasteful conflict with others. He first pointed out that wasteful conflict tends to emerge from our negative thoughts and behaviors, such thoughts and behaviors arising when we feel threatened by others’ words, their differences from us, and situations. Jeff then noted common differences we all manifest – personality, life experience, and physical traits.
在演示阶段,Jeff 分享了他的想法,关于我们人类如何在当下更有效地思考和行动,以减少与他人无谓的冲突。他首先指出,无谓的冲突往往产生于我们的消极思想和行为,当我们感受到他人的言语、与我们的差异和情况威胁时,这种思想和行为就会产生。Jeff 接着指出了我们都表现出的共同差异——个性、生活经历和身体特征。

Jeff then introduced the Motivational Value Systems approach to personality typing developed by Dr. Elias Porter, and invited participants, in pairs, to “type themselves”, using Porter’s Performance-focused, People focused, or Process-focused concepts, to illuminate why humans can think and act so differently.
An energetic discussion ensued.
Jeff then offered suggestions as to how we might, in the face of conflict, relax our bodies, shift our mindset, and manage our behaviors, to increase the possibility of valuable vs. wasteful conflict.
然后,Jeff 介绍了Elias Porter 博士开发的动机价值系统方法,并邀请参与者两人一组,用波特的“以绩效为中心”、“以人为中心”或“以过程为中心”的概念来“为自己分类”,以阐明为什么人类的思维和行为如此不同。
Jeff 随后提出了一些建议,告诉我们如何在面对冲突时放松身体,转变心态,管理自己的行为,以增加有价值的冲突和浪费冲突的可能性。

Following the presentation, the executives in the human resources industry had a roundtable experience-sharing session. They shared situations that trigger conflict feelings and the most effective methods of managing conflicts. One trigger that caused problems and was mentioned often is perceived disrespect. In general, most organizations do not yet have policies to manage workplace conflict. It was recommended they incorporate outside resources such as Lifeline – Hotline (Lifelinechina.org), a volunteer-based non-profit organization that operates a helpline service to support their staff’s well-being.
We are grateful to all the participants for attending this event, whose mission is to create a knowledge-sharing HR Industry executive community. We are also glad for the cooperation opportunity and support from AllBright Law Firm and for being able to welcome guests in their exclusive corporate environment.
We plan to hold the next HR Executive Roundtable at the end of September in Shanghai. Interested parties and HR Executives are welcome to inquire about more details and register with Gemini Personnel staff for future events.
Register below:
Tel: 021- 64282460
Email: Enquiries@jmgemini.com