11/21 Event Recap: How to optimize mental health 如何优化心理健康

On Thursday, November 21st, Gemini Personnel successfully held the 15th HR Executive Roundtable. The event was organized in collaboration with Yuanbo Education Group at their Xujiahui office executive meeting room with a beautiful rooftop flower garden. About 30 HR executives and service providers gathered to join the presentation on the topic “How to optimize mental health at work place”, delivered by Bill Chen.
11月21日星期四,晶雅人事成功举办了第15届人力资源高管圆桌会议。此次活动与远播教育集团合作,在他们的行政会议室举行。约30位人力资源高管和服务提供商聚集在此,参加了由Bill Chen主讲的 “如何在工作场所优化心理健康” 主题演讲。

Bill Chan is a certified health coach and graduate of positive psychology. His presentation focused on the various mental health issues and how to overcome them. Some mental illnesses like Parkinson's and dementia are increasingly affecting younger people and other conditions such as depression, anxiety, and ADHD are also more prevalent in our society. A healthy lifestyle and work environment can prevent or delay these conditions.Improving the mental health of employees will also lead to improved productivity and better results.
Bill Chen是一位认证健康教练,同时也是积极心理学的毕业生。他的演讲聚焦于各种心理健康问题及其克服方法。一些精神疾病,如帕金森病和痴呆症,越来越影响年轻人;其他如抑郁、焦虑和注意力缺陷多动症(ADHD)等状况在我们的社会中也更为普遍。健康的生活方式和工作环境可以预防或延缓这些状况。提高员工的心理健康也将带来提高生产力和更好的成果。
Another serious modern-day psychological issue is addiction. Addiction can be both substance and behavioral. Sugar addiction is the most common today. The substance has the power to change the brain structure and function similar to cocaine. It can be a cause of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and depression. Companies and individuals should avoid sugar-high contents including carbonated drinks such as Coke, or any ultra-processed foods and even juices. It's better to focus on a whole food plant-based diet with low sugar, fat, and salt. The happy hormone serotonin is produced 90% by the gut but used mainly by the brain, so the brain and gut are directly connected. What is good for the heart is good for the brain.
Bill shared that positive mindset comprises five factors: positive emotion, engagement in what we do, strong relationships, meaning in life, and achievement. The best way to manage stress is to take time off from worrying about the future and regretting the past by focusing on the present through mindfulness meditation. This reduces stress and pain, relieves depression and anxiety, delays dementia, and helps with focus and productivity.
Companies can help employees attain a healthy and productive life by encouraging the formation of sports clubs, sponsoring team-building activities, creating libraries and meditation rooms, and organizing social activities. Professional speakers can be invited to lecture on nutrition, positive psychology, and stress management. Through better self-awareness company leaders and employees will make better decisions about health of their own and people around them.

Following the presentation, the executives in the human resources industry had a roundtable experience-sharing session. HR executives shared examples of how their organizations deal with mental health in the work place. Some of the most popular solutions were coaching, team building and exercises during the lunch break. Companies can check for the talent they already have within the organization such as yoga, fitness, sports enthusiasts to organize like minded colleagues in group activities. Several of the attendees also shared recent or current examples of staff having mental health issues, such as walking off from the job after a dispute. Solutions were discussed to these problems included first gather information on the problem, offer meeting with the employee in an outside location, share personal struggle to show one can relate to the problem, offer help from a third party either within or outside the organization that employee can trust. It is the HR that can create positive corporate environment, rewards success and hard work to improve mental health. Bill also shared his thoughts and reminded attendees to remember that 3 compliments offset 1 reprimand.
We are grateful to all the participants for attending this event, whose mission is to create a knowledge-sharing HR Industry executive community. We are also glad for the cooperation opportunity and support from Yuanbo Education Group and for being able to welcome guests in their exclusive corporate environment.
We plan to hold the next HR Executive Roundtable in February 2025 in Shanghai. Interested parties and HR Executives are welcome to inquire about more details and register with Gemini Personnel staff for future events.