09/25 Event Recap: Redefine your relationship with WORK 重新定义你与工作的关系

On Wednesday, September 25th, Gemini Personnel successfully held the 13th HR Executive Roundtable. The event was organized in collaboration with Dentons Law Firm at their Lujiazui office executive meeting room located in Shanghai’s 2nd tallest building, 492-meter Shanghai World Financial Center. Over 30 HR executives and service providers gathered to join the presentation on the topic “Redefine your relationship with WORK”, delivered by Daniel Zhao.

9月25日,星期三,Gemini Personnel 在上海环球金融中心——上海第二高楼,与Dentons律师事务所合作举办了第13届人力资源高管圆桌会议。超过30位人力资源高管和服务供应商参加了由Daniel Zhao主讲的关于“重新定义你与工作的关系”的演讲。

Mr. Daniel Zhao (赵大亮) is a seasoned executive coach and global coach facilitator for Coaching for Performance (GROW) and the Inner Game, dedicated to supporting the evolution of consciousness and leadership development in both individuals and teams. He is also the reviewer and translator of Creating Meaningful Work and Living Your True Self publications.

Daniel Zhao 赵大亮先生是一位资深的高管教练、领导力教练、团队教练以及变革型领导力专家,是高绩效教练和内心游戏课程的全球授课教练导师,长期致力于支持个人和团队系统的意识进化和领导力发展工作。此外,他还是《创造有意义的工作》和《活出真正的自己》的审译者。

During the key note presentation phase, Daniel began by sharing three real-life transformational stories, highlighting the importance of “Meaning/Purpose“ in the context of work. He then engaged participants in a simple yet profound embodied experience, allowing them to realize that each person holds different perspectives on their relationship with work, some of which they are aware of, while others remain hidden from consciousness. Daniel emphasized that we all live within "relationships," and as work occupies a large portion of our time, the quality of our relationship with work not only determines our performance but also impacts the overall quality of our lives.

Daniel 带领了一场以“重新定义我与工作的关系”为主题的体验式演讲。他通过分享三个真实的蜕变故事,引出了“意义”在工作中的重要性。随后,他通过简洁明了的具身体验活动,让参与者切身体会到,每个人对于“我与工作的关系”都有不同的视角,而这些视角有些是自己清楚的,有些却是潜藏于意识之外的。Daniel 强调,我们每个人都生活在各种“关系”中,而工作占据了我们大部分的时间,因此我们与工作的关系质量,不仅决定了我们的工作绩效成果,甚至影响到我们的生活的质量。

Following this segment, Daniel shared four common perspectives on work and introduced four alternative perspectives, encouraging participants to explore how these new perspectives could empower them. He specifically focused on the first shift in perspective: from "work is merely a means of living” to "work is a process of exploring and expressing life purpose.” He elaborated on how "Genuine Desire" and "Passion" serve as key pathways to discovering and resonating with the life purpose.

接着,Daniel 分享了四种常见的看待工作的视角,并逐步引出了四个可替代的视角,鼓励所有参与者去感知这些新视角如何赋能自己。他特别介绍了第一组视角转变:从“工作只是为了谋生”到“工作是探索与表达生命意义的过程”,并深入讲解了“纯粹意愿”(Genuine Desire)和“热情/激情”(Passion)是探索并与生命意义产生共鸣的关键途径。最后,Daniel 还介绍了创造有意义工作的四个步骤,以及“内在工作”和“外在工作”的概念,尤其强调了内在工作的重要性。他引用一位名人的话说:“如果没有启动内在工作,那就不是真正的工作。”这些分享引发了参与者丰富的感受和自我反思,并激发了大家对在组织内如何探索和激励员工“意义感”和“纯粹意愿”的浓厚兴趣。

Finally, Daniel introduced the four steps to creating meaningful work and explained the concepts of "inner work" and "outer work," stressing the importance of inner work. He quoted a famous figure, saying, "If inner work has not been initiated, then it is not truly work." These insights sparked rich reflections and self-exploration among the participants, as well as a deep interest in how organizations can explore and inspire a sense of meaning and genuine desire in their employees.

最后,Daniel 介绍了创造有意义工作的四个步骤,并解释了“内在工作”和“外在工作”的概念,强调了内在工作的重要性。他引用了一位名人的话:“如果内在工作没有启动,那么它就不是真正的工作。”这些见解在参与者中引发了丰富的反思和自我探索,也激发了大家对如何在组织内探索和激发员工的“意义感”和“真正渴望”的浓厚兴趣。

Following the presentation, the executives in the human resources industry had a roundtable experience-sharing session. They shared that purpose of the job other than basic rewards is also an opportunity to establish social relationships and realize self-worth. Answering how to redefine and improve work participants mentioned 4 steps: be self-aware, share your work interest with everyone around you, pay attention to feedback and listen to your inner voice. To improve work life, balance some guest’s companies not only allow staff to work from home but also to bring their children to the office.



We are grateful to all the participants for attending this event, whose mission is to create a knowledge-sharing HR Industry executive community. We are also glad for the cooperation opportunity and support from Dentons Law Firm and for being able to welcome guests in their exclusive corporate environment.


We plan to hold the next HR Executive Roundtable at the end of October in Shanghai. Interested parties and HR Executives are welcome to inquire about more details and register with Gemini Personnel staff for future events.


感兴趣的各方和人力资源执行官欢迎向Gemini Personnel 工作人员咨询更多细节,并报名参加未来的活动。


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Email: Enquiries@jmgemini.com