Fraud Alert

Dear Valued Customers,
It has been brought to our attention that an individual has been impersonating to be a consultant at Gemini Personnel Limited. This person has been using the names ‘Charlotte’, ‘Karen Chan’ and likely others.
This individual has been contacting potential candidates with employment opportunities and asking for personal information. This person has also created a fake name card using Gemini’s logo and office address, please see below.

This person has been using different mobile numbers to contact customers via phone and Whatsapp. We have currently identified the use of the following mobile numbers: 6305 1036, 6092 0996 and 5917 0545.
Gemini is not in any way affiliated with this person and the matter has been reported to the Technology Crime Division of Hong Kong Police Force.
Please do not respond or communicate with the imposter in any way and notify Rebecca Yip, Administration Manager at Gemini Personnel Limited immediately at 3552 9186 or should you receive any suspicious communications purporting to be from a consultant at Gemini.
Gemini regards customer confidentiality and data protection of utmost importance.
As such, all Gemini employees and consultants:
- Have a profile and identification photo on its website: and LinkedIn.
- Have a name card with first and last name; office address; mobile and office number.
- Never ask candidates for any payments.
Thank you for your understanding during this time. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact us.