Gemini Personnel – Hong Kong

Gemini Personnel Hong Kong continues to remain resilient in a challenging economic market. Gemini has been in business for over 40 years in Hong Kong and has stood the test of time through many economic fluctuations.

The outlook for the third and fourth quarters of 2024 remains positive, and we have adapted to the changing demands of the market, strengthening our teams in technology and executive recruitment and continuing to grow our technology platform to ensure effective utilization of our candidate database. We are well positioned to continue to introduce AI functionality into our daily operations.

Companies are being more circumspect in their hiring decisions. We have seen companies taking more time to ensure they get the hiring decision correct. Companies are deferring on candidates who they feel do not ‘tick every box’ and often hiring candidates who possess a wider range of skills and can cover multiple responsibilities.

Good candidates are still in high demand. There is still a competitive market for top candidates with many receiving multiple offers. Candidates that have the relevant experience, technical ability, communication skills and the right attitude are still highly sought after.

Hence, taking these 2 trends together quality-of-hire has become an increasingly important factor in making hiring decisions. Quality-of-Hire is essentially the value a new employee brings to that company. Quality-of-hire includes job performance and productivity but also harder to define components such as culture, team fit and retention.

AI will continue to impact hiring in 2024. The growing trend of AI in recruitment continues as the industry comes to terms with both the positive aspects of how AI can improve workflow and efficiency, but also the areas that will require caution and monitoring such as bias and diversity.

In summary the remainder of 2024 shapes to be an interesting time for recruitment. Recent surveys have shown that many Hong Kong businesses are still expecting to recruit for the remainder of this year although this varies between sectors. From a candidate perspective, salary is still important but additional factors such as company culture, flexibility and work-life balance are driving decision making.