Say goodbye to career planning - Tim Clark TEDx Talks

Whether it’s as you run up to graduation or in the formative years of your career there seems to be an increased emphasis on planning, planning your career, making sure each step you take is aligned to the longer-term goals, ensuring your plan meets the approval of family, friends, and peers.
Universities invest heavily in preparing and counseling their charges to plan wisely for their future careers, mentors advise on the route safest traveled and caution against the dangers of deviation.
It’s a lot to take on board and can put enormous pressure on a path that is already, for most, perilously pressurized!
In this TEDx talks entitled, “Say goodbye to career planning”, Tim Clark (Business Model You), shares his interpretation of ‘career’ and his career evolution. He challenges all to consider saying goodbye to career planning.
For Tim, his career is much like a business plan or business model and is another form of entrepreneurship.
A career should be something that inspires you, it should be more than just a job. Most careers will last a long, long time and so you want to find something that keeps you excited and motivated every day.
Start your adventure with a brainstorm. Explore what activities you really enjoy. Learn from mistakes and don’t be afraid to make a few and more than anything, do something you have a passion for and live a little while you do it!
Tim is an entrepreneur, trainer, author and former professor of business who leads the global personal business model movement at
Source: Tim Clark TEDx Talks