The era of rapid organisational expansion is all but over

For the next decade, organisations will be fielding an agile, multi-functional and fast-paced workforce, and the outbreak of Covid-19 has and will sped up the entire process of organisational transformation. The focus on Human Resources departments will continue to shift from talent attraction to the fields of talent retention, development and redeployment. 


Gemini Development offers solutions around personal and professional development throughout the employee life cycle. Our development programmes are focused on three types of development.

Individual development 

Often a psychometric assessment forms the foundation of individual development programmes, aiming to help employees gain more insight in their personality and behaviours. What usually follows is a programme consisting of training, coaching and mentoring, based on the employee’s personal development goals. Gemini Development recently executed a development programme for over 200 employees of a Telecom company. A 360° feedback assessment was selected as the foundation of the programme aimed at providing employees more insight as to how others perceive them in the workplace. The outcomes of the assessments were shared in a debrief session between a Gemini coach and the employee, which resulted in the employees setting development goals and producing development plans. The company also took the opportunity to re-incorporate its corporate values, vision, and mission in the programme, as these 200 participants will play a major role in shaping and carrying the organisation into the new 5G era. 

Team development

Programmes aimed at turning capable individuals into high-performing teams. The first step always is to focus on really getting to know each other: recognising each other’s strengths and weaknesses will lead to allowing individual flaws to be diminished, and strengths to be unleashed. Our team building programmes enable each member to understand their role within the team, earning trust among themselves and ultimately collaborating to achieve the common goal. 

Leadership development

A leader that can drive, motivate, and deploy the group of individuals to achieve a common goal, is crucial to an organisation’s success. But we don’t live in a perfect world and the truth is, not every leader is a natural leader. Gemini’s Leadership Development programmes focus at helping high potentials develop into future leaders by (further) developing leadership skills. Every now and then, leadership and team development go hand in hand, and are combined into one programme. For example the programme Gemini Development conducted earlier this year, where the management team of a Pharmaceutical company came together for a two-day “Leadership-Team” workshop, where they learned how to be a leader in their own team/department, but also how to optimally function as the management team for their organisation. 


If you have any development needs in mind for any job level within your organisation, please contact for more information.